The foundations of Momentum City

Progressive transport planning and urban design involves understanding the link between transport and land use, and the future shape of our towns and cities.

It’s critical to the future of the economy, our environment and how we tackle some of the serious issues facing communities. Our city is built on two parallel foundations: a commitment to society and the environment. These values underpin how everything in our city develops.

With these foundations, we’ll take a closer look at the landmarks that are common to global cities. We’ll consider how each development connects with its urban environment and operates within it, and how this is likely to evolve in the future.

There are many solutions in our transport and urban design toolkit to build equitable cities, address the challenges of public health and climate change and deliver connected spaces which safeguard our environment for future generations. In Momentum City we’ll show how it’s possible to unlock the key role that cities and buildings play in achieving our societal goals.

City people

Momentum City is a place for people – of all ages, physical abilities and disabilities, races, genders and sexual orientations.

In our City development schemes and transport infrastructure are sensitive to the ways people experience and move around our spaces (taking into account accessibility and differing user group needs).

City environment

Globally, transport has the highest reliance on fossil fuels of any sector and accounts for 37% of CO2 emissions* (*

Reducing emissions from road transport remains a significant challenge in reaching net zero commitments. But does a decarbonised future city mean a switch to electric cars? Or eliminating the car completely?

We think there are better, faster and more effective ways to accelerate transformation and bend the curve on emissions.